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SandBoxBible stories will help home Bible study groups, Sunday schools,  and outreach teams re-tell Scripture stories while emerging within the text with very easy practical application questions.


It is an inductive approached coupled with the ancient old way of reading scriptures called Lectio Divina.


Vision 4:4

Matthew 4:4 “It is written: ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word (RHEMA) that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.’” Not only do we ought to read the Bible daily, but Jesus made it clear that we live on the word (RHEMA) and not the written word (LOGOS). We need to therefore re-learn what it is to read the Bible in a meditative way so that we can lean into what Holy Spirit wants to say to us in each situation we find ourselves inAnother place where RHEMA is used and not LOGOS is when we are in warfare - real-life - mode.  Eph 6:17. The sword, which is the word is RHEMA! Yes, the personal word God gives you for your situation. We need to unlearn to parrot scriptures for simply any situation and to ask God what HIS word (RHEMA) is for that moment or situation or persona you are praying for.

The Result: We might start to see much more answered prayer!

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My mom said that Jesus Toys does not exist. Then I showed her the SandBoxBible! 

Decline (6), Benoni South Africa



Translate the Bible in the SBB Youtube format for Oral Cultures in the 10-40 window.

Encourage Churches to "watch" along.

Encourage Easy Visual Bible Memorization.

Train new believers to pioneer churches with the SBB method.

Encourage Sunday schools & Outreach teams

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